Any time is a good time for a cat nap. Our pet bed design is not only super soft, it’s also in a fun shape with cute kitty ears and rounded kitty cheeks. One side is cool cotton; the flip side is cozy faux sherpa style fleece.

Color Blocking is the art of mixing solid color squares and rectangles into a bold design with inherent simplicity and inspired color. It lends itself especially well to patchwork, since the blocks of color are arranged on a grid.

Lightly padded, slim, and tufted with soft felt and floss rather than hard buttons; these floor pillows make fast and easy extra seating for family gatherings. If you’re brand new to tufting, this is a great first project.

Fabric weaving plus decorative stitching-in-the-ditch packs a powerful color punch! Start with one 40-piece jelly roll bundle, and with clever seaming and slicing, end up with two different, yet completely coordinated 20” pillows.

A new pillow is the perfect way to freshen up a sofa, chair or even bed linens. With a reversible pillow, you double the update potential while keeping your color palette intact. We originally used fabric from the Dapper collection by Tim Holtz for FreeSpirit Fabrics and were inspired by his Street Maps fabric – a vintage

Real starfish belong in tide pools. Our starfish pillow belongs on your sofa… or bed or chair or bench. This quick and easy project has a full pattern. Use it to add a splash of nautical fun to freshen-up your summer décor.

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