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Many people rarely change out their presser foot, often because they’re just not sure what to do with that bag o’ extra feet that came with their machine! Is that you?! Janome has tackled this “excuse” with their Presser Foot Workbook series, which gives you a working knowledge of their most popular feet. Take a look at our overview, then visit your local Janome America Dealer for more information on how to build your own set. We say “build” your own set because one of the things we love about how this series was developed is the fact that the basic binder covers the nine feet most commonly included as standard feet with the majority of models. You can then choose to add up to four additional supplements based on the type of sewing in which you’re most interested. 

Sew4Home is an exclusive Janome studio, which means we are lucky enough to use their amazing machines for all our projects. We’ve been Janome fans for YEARS (decades really) and have never found another line with better precision, power, innovation, and flexibility – from the top of the line all the way through to the introductory models. We’ve done a number of articles over the years on some of our favorite Janome presser feet, because using the right foot for the job is extremely important to the finished look of your project. Now you can get valuable information all in one place.

As mentioned above, with this Workbook series, how many additional sections to add is totally up to you. Pick one favorite or add all four. Whether you’re just starting out on your sewing adventure or are a seasoned professional, using the right foot for each task makes all the difference to the end result. The Janome Presser Foot Workbook series is the ultimate reference guide to turn to when you want to discover new information or refresh your knowledge base.

The heavy duty binder protects the pages and allows those pages to lay completely flat on your sewing surface. It’s large enough to accommodate all four of the optional supplements. 

Remember, each kind of presser foot is likely to have more than one version, each designed for a specific type of machine. To purchase the presser feet designed specifically for your Janome model, visit your authorized dealer.

The Basic Binder includes the actual notebook as well as all the pages in the initial set. The MSRP is $29.99. The addendum sections are just the pages themselves, no notebook, and each has a MSRP of $29.99. Check with your Janome America Dealer about special offers he/she may be featuring. And, keep in mind the Workbooks and Addendum Supplements have been very popular, but if your dealer is out-of-stock, special orders are quick and easy to fulfill.

The Basic Binder

This set covers the feet most likely to have come in the above-mentioned “bag o’ extra feet” you’ve been avoiding opening. These nine hardworking feet tackle some of the most common tasks you encounter in your everyday sewing projects: Blind Hem Foot G, Button Sewing Foot T, Automatic Buttonhole Foot R, Even Feed Foot, Overedge Foot M, Rolled Hem Foot 2mm D, Satin Stitch Foot F, Zig Zag Foot A, and Zipper Foot E.

Each foot is presented with complete, full-color instructions on how to attach it to the machine, recommended machine settings, exercises and lessons for practicing the technique(s) the foot performs, as well as helpful tips and notes that give you the “inside scoop” on special usage options and troubleshooting suggestions, such as the fact that when sewing buttonholes on knits, you should set the Presser Foot Adjustment Dial to 2 to reduce fabric stretching.

The information is thorough and detailed, and it covers all the alternative ways to use each foot. For example, the section on the Automatic Buttonhole Foot R spans 12 pages and includes each type of buttonhole you can make.

The Specialty Feet Addendum

This is the heftiest of the add-on sets with a total of 74 pages covering 19 specialty presser feet, including some of our favorites, like the Circular Sewing Attachment, Ultra Glide Foot and Plate, and the Ruffler Attachment.

These specialty feet really make a difference in both the ease with which your project goes together as well as the professionalism of the finish. We are dedicated to choosing the right foot for the job, and it’s one of the main reasons our S4H samples turn out looking so great… even in those close-up photos!

Like the Basic Binder pages, this Addendum information includes set-up and settings, instructions and exercises, and those all-important notes and tips. For example, did you know the Roller Foot is an excellent option for sewing vinyl?

We really feel this Addendum is a must-have for any type of sewing. From heirloom to appliqué to garments and more – these are the feet that make the difference.

The Binders & Guides Addendum

One of the questions we get quite a bit here at S4H is how we are able to get such perfectly straight seams on bindings, edgestitching, topstitching, and more. Of course, there’s a certain amount of “practice makes perfect” going on, but having the right presser feet is the real secret.

This Addendum covers the nine different Binders and Feet with Guides to help keep your sewing on the straight and narrow.

A binder foot is designed to fold a strip of fabric on both the top and bottom so the binding can be attached in one step. It utilizes a funnel shape guide that holds the binding strip securely under the needle as well as around the edge so the binding can be applied with a straight stitch, zig zag stitch or even a decorative stitch.

The Janome feet that include guides are wide and varied. One of our favorites, that you see used again and again on our popular S4H bag projects, is the Edge Guide Foot. The Addendum covers seven different applications for this versatile foot, including not only the classic Narrow Edgestitch but also Waffle Tucks and Ribbon Application.

The Free Motion Presser Foot Addendum

Janome would never forget all its quilting enthusiasts! This helpful supplement covers the popular free motion techniques that are made easier and smoother with specialty Janome feet and accessories.

If you’re a lover of free motion, this Workbook section needs to be on your sewing bookshelf. As you know, free motion means the machine’s feed dogs are lowered and the fabric is moved by hand to create the stitches. It’s a technique that takes practice and patience to master, and this Addendum is chockfull of special notes from the Janome sewing and quilting experts on how to do that.

We were excited to see there are full sections covering how to work with the Ruler Foot for free hand quilting, using ¼” quilt rulers of various shapes and sizes, as well as the Ruler Work Foot QR that is designed specifically for the Janome Horizon Quilt Maker Memory Craft 15000 and interfaces with the settings in Sewing Applications. Don’t forget to also ask your Janome Dealer about the set of rulers Janome developed in partnership with Quilt Artist, Leonie West for successful Ruler Work in general and this 15000 foot in particular.

The Cover Pro Accessories Addendum

The unique feet available for the Janome Cover Pro allow you to tackle a wide variety of projects. There are two CoverPro machine styles: 3 needle and 2 needle and all accessories outlined in this section are available for both styles. 

The format here is the same as above with detailed steps and photos along with helpful tips and interesting notes. Needle type and thread tension are both important to the finished look of a Cover Stitch, and each technique outlined includes specifics about both.

Ever wonder how they get those perfectly parallel topstitched seams on off-the-rack sportswear? The likely used a Center Guide Foot

How about attaching narrow elastic for waistlines or cuffs on lingerie and children’s wear? There’s an Elastic Gathering Attchment available in both ¼” and ⅜” widths to handle the task with ease. 

And, of course, this machine is all about hemming, from the beautiful straight stitch to attaching lace for heirloom sewing. The Addendum covers both Hem Guide Type 1 and Hem Guide Type 2.

We’ve not heard about any additional Addendums in the works, but knowing the creative minds at Janome, we bet there are plans in the future. It seems they are always coming up with new and innovative ways to make your sewing easier, faster, and more flexible. We love that Janome understands that the most important thing about their products is not the machine itself, but what you create with it. 

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1 year ago

I’d like to purchase the Janome M7 Continental presser foot workbook. I’m try to understand what feet I have and those that I might want to add based on my projects.I’m not following where on this site where I can do that? I’d appreciate guidance 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Barbara
Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara

Hello Barbara – S4H does not sell products from our site. This article is about the Presser Foot Workbook that is available from Janome America dealers. There is a specific M7 “Workbook” that reviews special techniques, but we are not aware of a specific presser foot book for that model. The book described above covers feet that are available on the majority of Janome machines, so it does cover feet you can find on the M7. For the most info, check out the M7 page on the Janome America website for details about standard and optional accessories for that model… Read more »

Gina Cox
Gina Cox
2 years ago

Hi, I’m from Australia. Can I get these books here? And would they be pertinent to my Janome MC 6700P? So much of what is on Pinterest is American, but Australians read it too and we want all this information too

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Gina Cox

Hi Gina – The Workbook was created by the Janome America subsidiary, so I’m afraid I don’t have details as to whether or not any of the other Janome subsidiaries have ordered it for their dealers. I’d encourage you to reach out to your local dealer and/or Janome Australia to ask about it. It would pertain to the 6700.

Julie Seiersen
Julie Seiersen
2 years ago

As a longtime Janome devotee who keeps updating my machines with new ones, I have to ask the obvious question; shouldn’t this information be included with the machine when you purchase it? Seems like it would not only be advantageous to the buyer but also to Janome. Why should I have to search out what is available and then how it can be used? At the very least it should be sent out and updated regularly online. Really not sure why i should buy information about something you are selling?

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Julie Seiersen

Hi Julie – We are happy to pass along your question to Janome. You’re right; the more information, the better. To weigh in from our side – from an outside user’s perspective: the Janome manuals that come with each model are quite detailed and do usually have a lot of information for all the things that come standard with a machine. These Workbooks are designed to expand on that information with extra lessons, etc. – and to contain it all in one place that is easy to reference when you are at your machine and sewing. There is also a… Read more »

Gina Cox
Gina Cox
1 year ago
Reply to  Liz Johnson

Liz, the only manual I got with my machine was a paper copy of how the machine works and a DVD of how to use it. No lessons were available anywhere in my state unless I paid expensively for them, so I had to learn how to use my machine by watching Youtube. Once upon a time, Free lessons were always included with machines. It seems to me, that Janome now cares more about the cost factor than the customer experience. I can’t even buy a hard case for it here in Victoria, Australia. And now it appears I can’t… Read more »

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Gina Cox

Hello Gina – I’m sorry you are having such frustrations. As I mentioned in response to your original comment, we work with Janome America and Janome Canada so I’m afraid I simply don’t have specific information about how the Australian subsidiary and/or their dealers operate. All the studio machines we work with do come with full manuals and, as you mentioned, sometimes additional DVDs. You can look for replacement manuals from the Janome America website if you find that what you originally received with your machine is not quite right. Again, I’m sorry to not be able to provide more… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Julie Seiersen

I agree entirely.

Fiona Taylor-Williams
Fiona Taylor-Williams
2 years ago

I purchased the Presser foot work book and the specialty foot addendum. According to Janome’s site there is an edgestitch presser foot on page 6 but it is in neither of my workbooks and I only purchased them a few months ago???? Why is it missing???

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
2 years ago

Hi Fiona – That’s a question we can’t answer since we don’t actually sell the workbooks. Perhaps you can reach out to the dealer from whom you bought it or reach out directly to Janome at custrel@janome-america.com.

Becky Ramsay
Becky Ramsay
2 years ago

how do i get a copy of this Janome Pressure Foot Workbook?

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Becky Ramsay

Hi Becky — The workbooks are available your local Janome Dealer in the US. There is a link above, but here it is again: https://www.janome.com/find-a-dealer
Some online retailers may also carry it. We don’t have info for where it may be available outside the US.

3 years ago

Is this book available through a dealer?

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
3 years ago
Reply to  Laura

Hi Laura – Yes! Contact your local Janome dealer in the US. Some Janome online retailers also carry it.

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