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“I don’t have time for that.” “No one will notice.” “I’ll fix it later.” A million excuses usually lead to a million regrets. We all make mistakes, and sometimes stuff just happens beyond our control. But some mistakes can be avoided with proper planning, attention to detail, and the wisdom to slow down. It’s no surprise one of the most famous adages about time management comes from the world of sewing: “A stitch in time, saves nine!”

Recently, a stark distinction has developed between handmade and homemade. Handmade carries the stamp of artisan craftsmanship – pride in a job well done. Homemade can have the connotation of something slapdash and cheap – just good enough to get by. To us … if it’s created with your own two hands, you deserve to be proud of the results, so we prefer to think of it as professional or unprofessional. Read on for the ten most common mistakes to avoid to make sure you go pro!

We organized our “Ten Mistakes to Avoid” in project order. From start to finish, take the time to consider the best practices that will provide the best results.

Mistake #1: Not reading instructions

Instructions are your road map. If you avoid them, like Bugs Bunny, you’re likely to take “a wrong turn at Albuquerque.” We spend hours and hours on instructions here at S4H because we know how important it is to go through each and every step, and we try to never assume a reader has previous knowledge about a technique. Whether it’s one of our projects or an off-the-shelf pattern, take the time to read all the way through instructions prior to starting. We call this, “making it in your head.” With this approach, you can stop and re-read any tricky parts. You can even take the time to make a mini prototype or do a test stitch to make sure you really understand the process prior to running headlong into construction, possibly ruining expensive fabric because you’ve misunderstood the steps.

Mistake #2: Using fabric not suitable for the project

One of the most common questions we receive is, “Can I make this project in….?” Our standard answer is usually a rather elusive “Maybe.” There are so many variables when it comes to fabric selection: weight, stretch, drape, texture, stabilization requirements … the list is long. Without actually having constructed a specific design in a particular fabric, you can never be 100% sure of the end result. Nine times out of ten, if an item is shown made from a heavy canvas, creating it out of a quilting cotton is going to be a challenge. In sewing, you can never say never, and seasoned professionals know the tricks to get various substrates to perform in unusual situations. But for the rest of us, if you want the best result, stick with the recommended fabric.

Mistake #3: Skipping fabric preparation

It’s exciting to get started on a project. So much so, it can be torture to stop and prepare your pretty new fabric. The general rule of thumb is to treat your fabric based on how you plan to use it: if the item is going to be laundered regularly then preshrink the fabric in the same manner; if it won’t be washed, then don’t prewash. We have a great tutorial on the basics of pre-shrinking steps and products that you can review for more details. Even when working on a project we know will only be spot-cleaned when done, such as a duffle or messenger bag, we still take the time for some fabric preparation, making sure edges are squared and the fabric is pressed flat prior to cutting.

Mistake #4: Cutting with wild abandon

If you’re a S4H regular, you know we love our fussy cutting. Whether it’s isolating a dramatic motif, matching a pocket to a panel or planning a patchwork design, how you cut is one of the most important parts of a project. The carpenter’s rule is our number one rule as well: measure twice, cut once. Although, we’ve been known to measure three and four times… fabric is expensive and a too-short or crooked cut can ruin your whole day. We use both a rotary cutter and standard scissors. The quick, clean slice of a rotary cutter is excellent when you’re making straight-edged panels, but the precision of scissors is necessary when following an intricate curve, trimming an appliqué or slicing through the backing of faux fur substrates. We have a full tutorial on our favorite cutting tools and other sewing toolbox basics.

Mistake #5: Forgetting to transfer pattern markings

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get,” said the White Rabbit to Alice. It’s true; racing to the finish rarely yields a positive result. This is especially true when it comes to pattern markings. Those dots and dashes on the pattern pieces are there for a reason. Transferring these marks during the laying out and cutting process is always easier and more accurate than scrambling to find the right piece later on and trying to wiggle it into position to guess where that dart or grommet or seam joint or fold was really supposed to go. If you are using a marking pen or pencil and working on the right side of your fabric, don’t forget to make sure sure it is a mark that will easily wipe away or vanish with exposure to the air or the heat of an iron.

Mistake #6: Ignoring or skimping on interfacing requirements

If you’re following a pattern, you should remember the designer went to a lot of trouble to determine the best stabilizing options for the project’s recommended fabric (see Mistake #2 above). Ignoring these recommendations or trying to “get by” with scraps you have on hand is simply: a very bad idea. What’s happening on the inside of the project may not be glamorous, but it’s the structure that gives your project a clean, smooth, neat finish. Yes, there are a lot of options out there, but that’s why it’s so awesome that designers have gone to the trouble to sort through them all and pick out the very best for the situation. If you want to avoid the ripples, folds, and general droopiness that screams “homemade,” always use interfacing as recommended.

Mistake #7: Never changing your presser foot or stitch settings

Okay… you’re ready to start stitching. Almost. Now is the time to make sure you’re using the best foot, stitch settings, speed, etc. Today’s sewing machines are amazing; their specialty feet and stitch options can seem endless. S4H is an exclusive Janome studio, and so we’re working with the best! Yes, it takes a second to change out to a new foot, but the difference between a final topstitching seam done with a standard presser foot versus an Edge Guide foot can be night and day. You wouldn’t carve your Thanksgiving turkey with a butter knife would you?! And the benefit is not just the finished look; working with the right presser foot makes the job easier. Hand in hand with the right presser foot is making sure you set and test your stitch settings. For example, slightly lengthening the stitch creates a straighter and more even seam through thick layers. Shortening the stitch helps keep curves smooth. Test on scraps of the actual fabric with which you’re working. If you’re a Janome fan like we are, make sure you visit your dealer to take a look at their awesome Presser Foot Workbook series.

Mistake #8: Leaving bulky seams untouched

You can spot a lumpy seam a mile away. It always, always detracts from the professional finish of your project. Sometimes there are a lot of layers coming together with seams – especially in corners or other tight spaces. Don’t ignore it! Unlike the extra bulk a few too many cookies can pack on, reducing bulk in sewing is easy to correct. Take the time along the way to grade seams, cut corners, and clip curves. Click on these three links to jump to our full, step-by-step tutorials on each of these important seam allowance techniques. Once you reduce the bulk, it’s easier to turn a piece right side out. You can then gently smooth the seam even further with a long blunt tool, such as a point turner, knitting needle or even one of our favorites: a common chopstick.

Mistake #9: Never finishing seam allowances

We going to stay with seam allowances to talk about the importance of insuring your project looks good from the inside out. The technical reason to finish a seam allowance is to prevent it from raveling. If you are working with a fabric that has a tendency to fray, frequent laundering or even just frequent use can wear away the edges of the seam allowance and could cause a hole to open up in the seam. So, there’s that, but there’s also the joy of looking inside a garment or bag to find a bound or otherwise beautifully finished seam. It’s the mark of top quality. We have a four-part series on some of the most popular machine sewn finishes, from the simple overcast stitch to French seams and even a Hong Kong finish. Click here to find links to all the articles.

Mistake #10: Not pressing as you go

True story. As a young girl, a neighbor hired me to do her ironing. This lady was someone who made many of her own clothes. It was one of my first experiences of homemade versus handmade. Try as I might, I could never, ever, ever get those garments to iron out flat and smooth. The culprit was probably a combination of the mistakes listed above, but the main culprit was not pressing along the way. Pressing has a huge impact on the finished look of your project, and if you aren’t conscientious about pressing as you go, all that hard work you put into construction will be for nothing as the finished item will simply never lay right. We have a full tutorial on some of our favorite pressing tricks, like how  keeping a small ironing pad and iron close to your machine can be a good way to avoid the excuse of not wanting to to get up and walk across the room to the ironing board. But… ya know – there are a few reasons you should be getting up and moving while you sew.

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7 months ago

I agree with number 10! Pressing as you go makes a big difference and if ignored, one you will regret.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Marianne

I love all 10, but yes – pressing seems to be something everyone agrees on.

7 months ago

Thanks for the great tips, I look forward each week to your email.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Kate

Thank you, Kate – we’re lucky to have you as a follower.

7 months ago

Wonderful article and refresher! The “iron-as-you-go” applies to most sewing projects, too, not just clothing. I was never taught about seam finishing due to fabric choices, but I’m taking that part of your article and keeping it for future reference. Sew4Home is off to a great start in 2024! Thank you!

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Margaret

Thanks, Margaret – yes indeed on the ironing. My little story was about garments, but you are SO right – pressing is important for everything.

7 months ago

Pressing has such a big impact that you can even hide some mistakes by pressing your project “just so” along the way 😉

Great article! Thanks 😊

Last edited 7 months ago by Gen
Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Gen

Pressing for the win! So important!!

Joyce W
Joyce W
7 months ago

These are great tips to remember AND use! I’ve been sewing forever and have done a fair amount of ‘lazy/rushed sewing’ but the number one thing I always do is press as I go. It helps to have you iron all set up and ready to go. My mother was a tailor until the time she retired, and she constantly reminded me to take the time to press, press, press!

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Joyce W

Yes! Pressing is a must!!

Rosemary B
Rosemary B
7 months ago

thank you for sharing these tips.
Great instructional explanations as well.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
7 months ago
Reply to  Rosemary B

Thanks, Rosemary – good things to be reminded of, right?

9 months ago

great article full of fun and knowledge, thank you for teaching

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  mamabird

You are so welcome. Super glad to hear it was helpful to you … and fun!

Teresa Guerino
Teresa Guerino
4 years ago

Thank you so much for this! I’m a newer sewer and I just happened upon your site a couple of days ago. I can’t wait to start learning more.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Guerino

@Teresa – You are so welcome! We’re glad you found us. We hope you come back often… and bring all your friends 🙂

5 years ago

I have seen way too many

I have seen way too many tutorials skipping these steps and the end product looks bad ?  Yes !

5 years ago

Thank you so much for

Thank you so much for reminding me to take the time to do things right when sewing. I’ve done all these mistakes more than once (many lol) over the 55yrs I’ve been sewing. Slacking and making the choice to skip a step, the project usually ends up looking a bit slip-shod. It only takes a matter of minutes to make something turn out beautifully. I’m going to add these to my reference binder I keep close by my sewing. 

Coastal Sewist
Coastal Sewist
5 years ago

This is an excellent article,

This is an excellent article, both for beginners and experienced. Thank you! And I will reinforce that pressing is important for ALL items we’re making. Also, I agree in general with your philosophy re appearance. I personally use the terms “professional vs. amateurish”. Just a thought. Most of all, thank you for this article and everything that is provided on this site – it’s one of my top favorites and one I highly recommend for many years now. 

Belinda B
Belinda B
5 years ago

Thanks so much for reminding

Thanks so much for reminding us that “everything” is important when we are sewing!

Betty Stone
Betty Stone
5 years ago

Pressing as you go is very

Pressing as you go is very important, especially for a quilter. Thank you for bringing boo-boos to light.

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