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At Sew4Home, we do everything possible using a sewing machine. It’s so much faster. However, there are times when hand sewing is necessary. Instead of searching the junk drawer for that needle you thought you saw awhile ago when hunting for the tape, stock up on these five basic types of hand-sewing needles.

Hand sewing needles vary in thickness, length, point shape and size of the needle eye. They come packaged by type and size: the larger the needle size, the shorter and finer the needle. Yes, you read that correctly. Select the type of needle for the type of project and within that category, the size of needle for the weight and thread you are using. Fortunately, hand sewing needles are inexpensive, so you can afford to keep an assortment in your sewing area.

Hand Sewing Needles: The Basic Five

The packages shown below are basic needle types. While there are dozens of special-purpose needles, these five will go a long way.

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If you’re just starting out… get a variety pack. I paid $1.83 for the pack of 50 Assorted Needles which includes all of the basic five.

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If you decide to buy only one type of needle, it should be Sharps. Sharps are medium length needles and the most commonly used hand sewing needles. They are also very sharp! (Available in sizes 1-12)

Quilting Needles

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Often called Betweens, Quilting Needles are shorter needles with a small rounded eye. The shorter length allows you to stitch quickly and accurately. They are used for detailed handwork and quilting. (Available in sizes 1-12)

Embroidery Needles

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Also called Crewel Needles, Embroidery Needles are the same length and thickness as Sharps, but have a longer eye for easier threading using embroidery threads. (Sizes 1-10)

Ball Point Needles

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Ball Points have a rounded point which makes them perfect for sewing on knit fabric. Where a Sharp can damage knit fabric by actually breaking the knit stitches, a ball point glides between the yarns instead of through them. (Available in sizes 5-10.)

Chenille Needles

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Chenille Needles are thick, have a large long eye and are very sharp. They are used for ribbon and heavy embroidery where the eye can easily accommodate several strands of floss. The sharp point makes it easy to stitch through coarse fabric.

Add a Thimble and You’re Good to Go

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A thimble protects your finger when pushing a needle through fabric. Thimbles are commonly made from metal, leather and rubber. People who do a lot of hand sewing develop a preference for a specific type of thimble. For me, the key is to be sure it fits your finger – doesn’t fall off, but not too snug.  If you have long nails, you can even buy a thimble with a cut out area for your nail.

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