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Sometimes it’s fun to not have to worry about learning a whole new project. Instead, why not take a favorite design and simply give it a whole new look? In other words: Re-imagine & Renovate! Like a fresh coat of paint, brand new fabric and a few little changes can make all the difference.

The original project on which this R&R is based was a top; we’ve simply lengthened it to create a dress – we show you how to do the math below. And, we give the link to our step-by-step shirring tutorial. You have everything you need to create something totally unique. Open yourself up to a world of possibilities in both fabric and techniques; give yourself a little R&R!

We switched from the voile of the original project to a standard quilting cotton, which shirred up beautifully.

For the measurements shown below, you’ll need 1¾ – 2 yards of 44″+ wide standard quilting weight cotton. For your own measurements (refer to the original tutorial for all the math), you might need less or more yardage.

To Re-imagine & Renovate your own Shirred Sundress, go to the original tutorial:

Shirred Sun Top In Floaty, Flirty Voile

Our dress was sewn very similarly to the original, with the following exceptions.

We extended it from a shirt to a dress. We decided on a 27″ finished length from the top of the bodice to the hem, which means just an additional 1″ is needed for a narrow top and bottom hem.

We used a standard quilting weight cotton rather than a voile. This is still a lightweight fabric and it shirred quite nicely. However, it didn’t shrink the width by half like the voile did. It was more like 30%, which is why our starting panel width is narrower than what we started with for the voile top.

As mentioned, the original instructions show you how to do all the math for both the width and length of your panels. The cut sizes of our two panels were 28″ high x 30″ wide.

As we always recommend, test a few sample strips, using your actual fabric, before doing your final cuts. Although the rule-of-thumb is to start with two to two and half times the width of what you want your finished panel to be (we were shooting for 15″ – 17″ for this dress), you may need more than that or less than that depending on the fabric you choose and the tightness of your shirring. Again, if you are new to shirring, take a read through our step-by-step shirring tutorial.

In addition, we made fabric ties rather than using ribbon for the shoulder straps.

  1. To do this, cut FOUR 1″ x 18″ strips.
  2. Fold each strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, making it ½” x 18″. Press to set a crease.
  3. Unfold so the center crease in visible. Fold in each long raw edge to the middle so the two raw edges meet in the center. Press each side.
  4. Fold in half again along the original crease, encasing the raw edges. Press and pin in place. Topstitch the length of the strip to secure.
  5. We didn’t finish the raw ends of the ties because they are oh-so-skinny. We simply knotted the ends and there was very little, if any, raveling. If you are concerned about it, you could dot the ends with a seam sealant, such as Fray Check by Dritz.


Project Design: Alicia Thommas
Sample Creation: Debbie Guild

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