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“If your hair is done properly and you have on good shoes, you can get away with anything.” So says Iris Apfel of Harper’s Bazaar. And, I would have to agree. We all know a “good hair day” is simply “a good day!” Our sparkly flower hair clips were designed with little girls in mind, but they can inject a bit of glamour into your lovely locks as well. The “petals” are made from tiny scraps of various synthetic fabrics; we used glitter tulle, organza, and polyester lining fabric. A tiny, faceted bead holds everything together at the center.

Like flowers in the wild, one is dramatic, but a whole bunch is more fun… and more colorful.

The finished flower is hand stitched to a tiny clip, which can then be attached to an elastic, a headband or just fastened right into a hairdo.

But why stop there? These itty bitty blossoms would be lovely as a lapel pin, clustered on a hat band or even scattered across a pillow.

Fabric and Other Supplies

  • Small claw-style hair clips
  • Scraps of synthetic fabric: we used a glitter tulle in light pink, pink and purple organza, and some scraps of poly lining in light and medium pink and lilac
  • One bead per clip; we used small faceted beads
    NOTE: Old jewelry is a good source for beads. Look for beads about 4-5mm (⅛” – ⅜”); larger sizes may impede the hinge of the clip.
  • Scissors
  • 1¾” diameter circle pattern (download ours or make your own – these are small flowers, but you can make them bigger by simply cutting larger circles)
  • Hand sewing needle that fits through your bead (check before starting)
  • Thread
  • Straight pins
  • Candle (a votive candle is a nice size)
  • Matches
  • Optional: narrow headband, elastic ponytail bands

Getting Started and Template Download

  1. This tutorial uses the technique of slightly melting synthetic fabric to get the appearance of a petal. If you are unfamiliar with this technique, see our Organza Flower tutorial for a detailed explanation of the process.
  2. Make your own 1¾” circle(s) or download and print out our Circle Template sheet, which includes 12 circles. 
    IMPORTANT: The pattern is ONE 8½” x 11″ sheet. You must print the PDF file at 100%. DO NOT SCALE to fit the page. There and is a guide rule on the page so you can confirm your final printout is to scale.
  3. Use the pattern to cut circles from various fabrics. You can layer the fabric in order to cut three or four circles at a time.
  4. Use your imagination to get the look you want, but you’ll need several layers per flower to get a look similar to ours; we used six layers per flower.

  5. Light your candle in an area free from drafts. Following the Organza Flower Tutorial, lightly wilt the edges by holding the fabric circles near (but not in) the candle flame to approximate this look.

Assemble the Flowers and Add the Clips

  1. Starting with a poly circle, stack the wilted circles, alternating the types of fabric. By layering the circles just slightly askew, you achieve a more natural, random look.
  2. Pin through all the layers of each flower stack, then hand sew through the layers at the exact center. Use a stitch small enough that it will be hidden by your bead.
  3. After sewing through several times, remove the pin and hand sew the bead at the center with a couple additional stitches. Knot and trim the thread at the back of the flower.
  4. Now you’re ready to sew the flower to the hair clip. To start, take a stitch through the back side of the flower’s bottom layer at the center of the circle. Then, position the “pincher” side of the clip on the base of the flower stack.
  5. Sew the clip to the flower by looping the thread over the hinge and back through the fabric as shown in the photo below. Sew through just the first few bottom layers of fabric; don’t go all the way through to the top layer where the bead is or you’ll see your stitching. Go around either side of the hinge three to four times. Knot and trim the thread.

How to Wear Your Flowers

You can clip the flowers to your hair, to an elastic ponytail band (wrap the elastic band around your ponytail first, then attach the clip to the band), or to a headband. Group them or wear singly – it’s up to your mood (and your hair’s mood).

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