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Good things come in small packages, and they are especially good if the package is oh-so pretty and smells wonderful to boot. Our Heart Sachets are a little bits of elegance you can make to give away as indulgent gifts. These fragrant heart sachets can hang on a closet rod, hook on a doorknob, slip into the lingerie drawer or simply show off on top of your dresser or vanity. Make a set for yourself and several to give away. Doesn’t that sound sweet? Better make a couple extra to keep for yourself.

We’ve included our own unique heart template you can download and print. It has a taller, tapered shape reminiscent of sachets we’ve seen in French boutiques. L’amour est grand, oui ?

We had so much fun with this unique shape, we remade them with a rustic theme, using a collection of heavier scraps in linen, ticking, muslin and twill. Every fabric has its own personality; and just like mixing interesting guests at a dinner party gives you dozens of fascinating conversations, how you combine fabric in a project gives you an unlimited number of beautiful end results.

Faux mother-of-pearl buttons centered on die-cut wool felt flowers add just the right texture as the sachet’s center embellishment.

By angling the template on a four-square patchwork block, and following our guide lines, you can quickly cut out each heart to create pretty intersecting diamonds.

The finished hearts are approximately 7″ tall x 5″ wide.

This original project is based on using a ‘charm pack.’ This is a bundle of 5″ pre-cut squares from within one coordinating fabric collection. It’s a great way to go when you have something that calls for patchworking. You save time with the pre-cut squares and the bundles are very inexpensive. Our beautiful Valentines collections are from our favorite online outlet for charm packs: Fat Quarter Shop. Of course, you could also cut your own 5″ squares from your scrap stash.

Sewing Tools You Need

Fabric and Other Supplies

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  • EACH sachet uses FOUR 5″ x 5″ charm squares
  • ¼ yard of a coordinating 44″+ wide linen or cotton fabric or similar for the sachet backs; we used a lightweight cream linen
  • All purpose thread to match fabrics
  • ⅛” ribbon for sachet hanging ties – each sachet uses a 24″ length of ribbon
  • Two ½” – ⅝” buttons for each sachet
  • Hand sewing needle
  • Bulk lavender or similar fragrant filler; the dried herb for the fragrant filler is completely up to you. Our first set used classic lavender. For the second set, we used a wonderful lemon verbena. You could even mix up several scents to create a custom potpourri.
    NOTE: Each sachet takes about ½ – ¾ cup
  • Spoon
  • See-through ruler
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
  • Straight pins

Getting Started and Pattern Download

  1. Download and print the Sachet Heart Template.
    NOTE: This pattern download is ONE 8½” x 11″ sheet. This one sheet must be printed at full size; do not shrink to fit or rescale. There is a guideline on the sheet so you can confirm your printout is to size.
  2. Cut out the heart shape along the solid outer line.
  3. Select your groups of four squares and arrange them in a pleasing pattern of two rows of two squares. For the most interesting finished look, alternate dark and light, simple and busy patterns so they are opposite one another.
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At Your Sewing Machine & Ironing Board

  1. Pin the top two fabric squares right sides together. Pin the bottom two fabric squares right sides together.
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  2. Stitch both square pairs together, using a ¼” seam allowance. Press the seam allowances open.
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  3. Pin the two sewn pairs, right sides together. Be very careful to match the seams of your two pieces. This will insure the center points of your squares meet neatly in the middle.
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  4. Stitch together, using a ¼” seam allowance. Press the seam allowance open.
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  5. Pin heart template onto your four square sewn piece, aligning the lines of the template with the seam lines.
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  6. Cut out the heart shape.
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  7. Repeat this process for however many patchwork fronts you are making. Then, cut out a matching number of heart shapes from the linen fabric for the back of the sachets. We made four sachets.
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  8. Pair up your patchwork fronts and solid backs, pinning them right sides together.
  9. There are two options for attaching the hanging tie. The first option is to sandwich the tie between the front and back layers so it will be stitched in place when you sew the two layers together. This is a bit more difficult because the ribbon is thin and rather hard to handle. Fold the ribbon in half and place it at the midpoint where the heart’s curves come together. We recommend winding up the ribbon and taping it in place inside the layers so you don’t accidentally catch any ribbon in the seam.
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    NOTE: The second tie option is an after-you-sew method that is described below.
  10. Take your front and back pinned layers to your machine and stitch all the way around the heart’s edge, using a ¼” seam. Leave an approximate 2″ opening along one side for turning and filling.
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  11. We used our Janome Quarter Inch Seam foot for this task, because it has a handy guide that allows you to keep a nice even seam allowance when doing curves like this. Sew slowly, stopping – with the needle in the down position – and pivoting in small increments to create a smooth curve. I do mean slowly … sometimes, we stop every two or three stitches and adjust. Shortening your stitch length a bit can also help with smooth curves.
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  12. Clip your curves being careful to not cut through your seam.
  13. Turn your heart right side out and press. Turn in the edges of your opening ¼” so they are flush with the sewn edges.
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  14. As promised, here is the second, easier option for attaching the hanging ties. Thread your hand sewing needle with thread that compliments the sachet (we used a pale pink). Feed the needle through the opening in the side of sachet and poke it out through the ‘V’ of the heart. This will hide the thread’s knot inside the sachet. Fold the ribbon in half to find the midpoint, and stitch in place from the back by hand.
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  15. It is best to sew on the center buttons BEFORE you fill the sachet with lavender. The buttons are directly opposite one another and sewn through BOTH layers. This gently “pinches” the center of the heart, allowing the filler to smoothly bunch toward the outer edge.
  16. As described above for stitching on the ties, thread your hand sewing needle with thread that compliments the sachet. Feed the needle through the opening in the side of sachet and poke it out through the center front to hide the thread’s knot inside the sachet. Stitch one button to the center front and the other button to the center back. Since the two buttons are directly opposite one another, we found it was easiest to sew them on together, passing the needle through the front button then threading it through the back button then back through the front button, etc. until the buttons feel secure – about four passes should be plenty. Finish on the back, wrapping the button and knotting on the backside. If you’re new to this technique, read our tutorial: Sewing on a Button.
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  17. Fill the sachet with lavender (or your chosen herb). Be generous with the amount you use; you want the sachet to be pleasantly plump. We used a spoon to fill up our sachet, but also used our fingers to push the filler into the curves and around the buttons so the sachet filled up evenly.
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  18. Slip stitch the opening closed.


Project Concept: Alicia Thommas
Sample Creation and Instructional Outline: Liz Johnson

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