With triple the heart-stopping cuteness, our Valentine sachets hang three in a row on a ribbon with a ring at the top and a button weight at the bottom. Use them to add a bit of scented sweetness anywhere you want. One or more strings can be slipped onto a hanger. Or, add a bit of extra ribbon and tie the upper ring onto a doorknob or drawer pull. We used 5″ x 10″ Jolly Bar pre-cuts, which are the perfect size from which to cut two hearts. Jolly Bars are a pre-cut exclusive from Fat Quarter Shop.
Each Jolly Bar contains 42, 5″ x 10″ cuts. Depending on the size of the collection, this means you may receive duplicate cuts of some designs. We originally used a Jolly Bar from the Hello Darling collection by Bonnie & Camille. As with yardage, pre-cut bundles can sell out and this is the case with Hello Darling. Below are some current collections that offer similar smallish prints and sweet colors. A few of our faves are Handmade by Bonnie & Camille for Moda Fabrics, Farmer’s Daughter by Lella Botique for Moda Fabrics and Coney Island by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda Fabrics.
With 42 cuts to choose from, you could create up to 14 Hearts on a String Sachets from one Jolly Bar bundle. Think of all the fragrant love you could spread around!
We provide a pattern below for the heart, which includes handy marking dots for where to leave the opening for turning as well as where you’ll sew the ribbon.
Each 3″ heart is spaced evenly on its hanging ribbon with 2″ between the trio, 3″ above, and 4″ below. The finished length is 20″ overall.
Below, you’ll see the clever way we suggest to attach each heart in place on the ribbon. It’s easier to stitch, easier to tie a perfect bow, and easier to fill. Rather than making and filling each sachet first, then trying to work with a harder-to-handle puffy heart; our steps show how to attach each heart while it’s still empty, securing the fabric and ribbon layers with a simple hand-stitch. Next, fill and seal. Then, tie a perfect bow and trim the ends.
A bit of polyester filler gives our hearts their extra smooth shape. Insert this around the edges to provide the soft dimension, then add your scented filler in the center.
These sachets make a lovely gift, but be sure you keep a string or two for yourself to add a lovely scent to your own closet or bedroom.
Sewing Tools You Need
- Sewing Machine and standard presser foot
- Quarter Inch Seam foot; optional but helpful for precise quarter inch seaming
Fabric and Other Supplies
NOTE: Supplies listed are for ONE three-heart string.
- THREE Jolly Bar pre-cuts – if you don’t use Jolly Bar pre-cuts, you’ll need three scraps, each approximately 5″ x 10″
- ⅛ yard or scrap of lightweight fusible interfacing; we used Pellon Shir-Tailor
- Small handful of polyester fiberfill or similar; Fairfield makes a handy 2 oz. Quick Craft mini bag
- 1¼ yards of ⅜” wide satin ribbon for the bows; we used ⅜” red and teal satin ribbon, purchased locally
- ¾ yard of ½”- ⅝” ribbon for the hanging ribbon; we used ½” linen ribbon, purchased locally
- ONE 1″ button; a two-hole or four-hole button is best; a shank button will not work as well
- ONE 1″ ring; we used a simple split ring in a coordinating color, but it doesn’t need to open, so any type of ring will work
- Bulk lavender or similar fragrant filler
NOTE: Each sachet takes about ⅛ – ¼ cup - All purpose thread to match fabric
- Fabric pen or pencil
- Scissors
- Pinking shears
; optional
- Straight pins
- Seam ripper
- Hand sewing needle
- Small funnel
- Chopstick
- Seam sealant, such as Dritz® Fray Check
Getting Started and Pattern Download
- Download and print out the one pattern sheet: Sachet Heart. You may want to print TWO pattern sheets so you have one full heart pattern and one interfacing heart pattern to make repetitive cutting easier.
IMPORTANT: This pattern is ONE 8½” x 11″ sheet. You must print the PDF file at 100%. DO NOT SCALE to fit the page. There is a guide rule on the page so you can confirm your final printout is to scale. - Cut out the pattern piece along the solid line.
- Fold your main fabric in half wrong sides together. Position the pattern on top of both layers. Cut TWO hearts.
- Trim back the heart pattern along the dotted seam line. Use this smaller pattern to cut TWO hearts from the lightweight interfacing.
- Repeat with your remaining two fabrics. For each heart sachet, you should have two main pieces and two interfacing pieces.
- From the satin ribbon, cut THREE 9″ lengths.
- From the hanging ribbon, cut ONE 21½” length.
At Your Sewing Machine & Ironing Board
- Center the interfacing on the wrong side of each fabric heart. Following manufacturer’s instructions, fuse in place.
- Transfer the markings from the pattern to the fabric. The side dots, which mark the opening required for turning and filling, should be marked on the wrong side of the fabric.
- The top dot marks the position for attaching the heart to the hanging ribbon and for the little bow.
- It should be marked on the right side of the fabric. As always, when working on the right side of your fabric, use a marking tool that will easily wipe away or will vanish with exposure to the air or the heat of an iron.
- Place the front and back fused hearts right sides together. All raw edges should be flush. Pin in place.
- If possible, attach a Quarter Inch Seam foot. Reduce the stitch length (we used 1.6). A shortened stitch length is best for creating a smoother curve.
- Using a ¼” seam allowance, stitch around the entire perimeter of the heart. Remember to lock your seam at either side of the marked opening for turning. Go slowly in order to maintain a consistent seam width as you maneuver all the curves. Pivot at the bottom point as well as at the inside point at the top of the heart.
- Pink the edges as an easy and fast seam finish.
NOTE: Pinking is optional. You could use another type of seam finish if you’d like. If you’re new to seam finishing, check out our four-part series on machine sewn seam finishes. - Clip the curves and the bottom point, being careful in both instances not to cut through the seam. Make sure to also clip into the top point of the heart, but again, not through the seam. If you are using a thicker fabric than a quilting weight cotton, grade your seam allowance to reduce bulk.
- Press the finished seam open.
- Carefully turn right side out through the opening.
- Using a long, blunt end tool, such as a knitting needle, chopstick or point turner, gently smooth out all the curves to create an even seam all around.
- Press flat, pressing in the raw edges of the opening so they are flush with the sewn seam.
- Find the ribbon on which the hearts will hang. At the bottom end, make a tiny hem. To do this, fold up ¼” and press, then fold up an additional ¼” and press again. Pin in place.
- Stitch this tiny hem in place, keeping the same shortened stitch length as above. We stitched all three of our bottom hems at one time, snipping them apart when done.
- From the bottom hem, measure 4″ up and place a pin. This represents where the bottom point of the first heart should sit.
- Find the empty heart you want as the bottom of your trio. Make sure you can still see the top point marking. If it has faded, re-mark, using the pattern as your guide.
- Place the bottom point of the empty heart at the 4″ marking. Pin the heart to the ribbon at the top point mark.
- Find one of the 9″ lengths of satin ribbon. Fold it in half to find its center. Mark this center point.
- Place the center point of the ribbon at the top marked point. Pin in place.
- Thread a hand sewing needle with a double thickness of thread. Hand stitch through all the layers (hanging ribbon, front and back heart panels, bow ribbon). A large “X” stitch works well. You are stitching the empty heart to the hanging ribbon and the bow ribbon to the front of the heart with this one secure hand stitch.
- Find the polyester filler. Insert a few little tufts to fluff-up the edge of the heart along its seam.
- Using a small funnel, add your favorite scented filler into the center of the sachet. A chopstick will help push the filler through the funnel.
- Pin the opening closed and slip stitch to secure.
- Mark for the placement of the second heart. It’s bottom point should sit 2″ above the lower heart.
- Place the second heart, marking and pinning as you did for the first heart.
- Fill and seam the second heart, then repeat to place, fill, and seal the final top heart. The bottom point of this top heart is 2″ above the middle heart.
- Find the top ring.
- Make a tiny hem in the top of the hanging ribbon as you did at the bottom. Wrap the ribbon around the ring, pinning against itself at the back with an approximate ½” overlap. Adjust as needed; the finished length of the hanging ribbon should be about 20″.
- Stitch in place to secure the ring.
- At the bottom of the hanging ribbon, stitch the button in place on the front. The bottom of the button should be about ½” up from the bottom of the hemmed ribbon. Hand stitch the button in place with a neat stitch and in thread to match the hanging ribbon; this stitching will be visible from the back.
- Tie each satin ribbon into a small bow. You are starting with a longer length of ribbon in order to make it easier to tie, but the finished bow should only be about 1¾” – 2″ wide. Trim the ends of the ribbon to match the width of the bow and seal the ribbon ends with seam sealant.
Project Design: Alicia Thommas
Sample Creation: Debbie Guild
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I love sachets; these are so
I love sachets; these are so pretty and look relatively easy to construct. Thanks again!
@Deb – Thanks! And, yes,
@Deb – Thanks! And, yes, these are very easy – you’ll love how they are attached and filled.