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You may have seen these type of pillowcases in luxury hotels or fancy spas. Rather than an open end, the pillow itself is enclosed in an overlap. We’ve had quite a few emails asking how to create this type of finish in order to keep a stark white pillow from showing along the end of a pretty pillowcase. An envelope style closure also helps keep the pillow from slipping out the end. “Make it stay and hide it away.” S4H’s got you… and your pillow covered. 

This easy fold-and-tuck trick allows you to hide the end of the pillow inside a hemmed pocket. It’s an extra-tidy technique you can use on any pillowcase.

Our sample pillowcase finishes at approximately 20″ x 27”, which is just right to fully enclose a standard 20” x 26” bed pillow. The extra inch in length makes it easier to wrap the end without stretching, and possible breaking, seams.

This design adds a decorative end panel with a pretty accent flange, allowing you to mix three fabrics. We originally used the Chestnut Street collection by Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree Quilts for Moda Fabric, which is no longer readily available. No worries though – this technique works great with any standard quilting cottons.

Working with three fabrics is, of course, optional. The flange can be eliminated if desired. And, if you’d prefer to use a single fabric, you’d need to cut one panel at 21” x 36” and the second panel at 21” x 32”. The rest of the assembly would remain the same.

If you have restless sleepers in your house, this enclosed end also helps keep the pillow in place so it doesn’t shift out of the case with all the tossing and turning.

We also used this style of finish on our Mr. Bones Body Pillow Cover. Check out that full tutorial here.

Sewing Tools You Need

Fabric and Other Supplies

NOTE: Fabric amounts shown are for a fabric with a random motif. If you choose a fabric with a strong directional motif, you may need additional fabric: 1¼ yards of the main fabric will allow a horizontal cut, and ⅝ yard of the accent fabric and/or the flange fabric will allow a vertical cut.

  • ¾ yard of 44”+ wide quilting weight cotton fabric for the main front and back panels
  • ½ yard of 44”+ wide quilting weight cotton fabric for the end panels
  • ⅛ yard of 44”+ wide quilting weight cotton fabric for the accent flange
  • All purpose thread to match fabric
  • See-through ruler
  • Measuring tape or yardstick
  • Fabric pen or pencil
  • Seam gauge
  • Seam ripper
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Straight pins

Getting Started

  1. From the fabric for the main front and back panels, cut TWO 21” x 24” rectangles;
    NOTE: As mentioned above, we cut our rectangles 21” wide x 24” high, which worked great for our random motif. If you have a horizontally directional motif, cut 24” wide x 21” high, for which you need 1¼ yards.
  2. From the fabric for the end panels, cut the following:
    ONE 21” x 13” rectangle for bottom A
    ONE 21” x 9” rectangle for bottom B
    NOTE: We cut our rectangles 21” wide x 13” high and 21” wide x 9” high, which worked great for our random motif. If you have a vertically directional motif, cut 13” wide x 21” high and 9” wide x 21” high, for which you need ⅝ yards.
  3. From the fabric for the accent flange, cut TWO 2” x 21” strips.

At Your Sewing Machine & Ironing Board

Hem the bottom accent panels

  1. Find the two bottom accent panels: one at 21” x 13” and one at 21” x 9”.
  2. On the 21” x 9” panel, create a 4½” double fold hem. To do this, fold back one 21” raw edge ½” and press.
  3. Then, fold back an additional 4” and press again. This will bring the hem to within ½” of the opposite 21” raw edge. Pin in place.
  4. Stitch in place close to the inner fold.
  5. On the 21” x 13” panel, create a ½” double fold hem. To do this, fold back one 21” raw edge ¼” and press.
  6. Then, fold back an additional ¼” and press again.
  7. Stitch in place close to the inner fold.
  8. Set aside the two hemmed bottom panels.

Create and place the flange

  1. Find the two flange strips. Fold each in half, wrong sides together, so they are now 1” x 21”.
  2. Place one folded flange along one 21” edge of each main panel, aligning the raw edges. Pin in place. If you have a directional motif, you should be working with the “top” edge.
  3. Machine baste the flange in place on each panel.
  4. Keep the basting within the standard ½” seam allowance.

Stitch the end panels to the main panels

  1. Place an end panel right sides together with the top of each main panel, sandwiching the flange between the layers.
  2. Remember, one end panel is longer than the other. The longer end panel will become the bottom overlap, so if you have a specific front and back to your main panels, pin the longer end panel to the back main panel and the shorter end panel to the front main panel.
    NOTE: If you are working with a directional print, make sure you are pinning together the top of the main panel with the bottom of the end panel. 
  3. Pin in place across the 21” width of the panel.
  4. On the shorter panel, there will be just a narrow raw edge. This is correct.
  5. Using a ½” seam allowance, stitch together. The longer end panel is shown below.
  6. On the shorter end panel, you will be stitching right along, but not on, the wide hem.
  7. Finish each seam allowance with your favorite method.
  8. We used a simple zig zag.
  9. Press each seam allowance down towards the main panel and each flange up towards the end panel.

    NOTE: We have a great four-part series on machine sewn seam finishes if you are new to this technique. 

Layer to create the end panel overlap

  1. Place the longer panel right side up and flat on your work surface. Orient the panel so the end panel is positioned at the top of your work surface. This makes it easier to fold and pin.
  2. Place the shorter panel right side down on top of the longer panel. In other words, the two panels are now right sides together.
  3. Align the raw side edges of the panels as well as raw bottom edges. Pin along both sides and across the bottom.
  4. Make sure you align the horizontal end panel seams/flanges along both sides.
  5. When pinned, the hemmed edged of the longer panel should extend beyond the hemmed edge of the shorter panel by approximately 8”. This is correct and is what allows for the envelope-style closure.
  6. Fold the longer panel down over the shorter panel. Your fold should hit right along the top hemmed edge of the shorter panel.
  7. We nested the end panel seam allowances and flanges for the flattest finish.
  8. Pin the fold in place along each side.
  9. This overlap fold creates the envelope-style opening.
  10. Using a ½” seam allowance, stitch down both sides of the pillowcase and across the bottom. Remember to pivot at each corner.
  11. At the top, you are stitching along both sides up to the folded edge; do not stitch horizontally across the fold. The top end is simply a fold.
  12. Finish the seam allowance with your favorite method.
  13. Turn the pillowcase right side out through the end opening. Gently push out the corners so they are nice and sharp. A long blunt tool, such as a knitting needle, chopstick or point turner works well for this. Press well.
  14. Position the cover so what was the longer panel (the folded over panel with the narrow hem) is on the bottom. Insert the pillow into the cover.
  15. Pull open the bottom “overlap” – it’s like a little pocket. Slip the overlap over the end of the pillow.
  16. Adjust so this overlap sits flat against the pillow.
  17. Let the top panel fall down into place.


Project Design: Alicia Thommas
Sample Creation and Instructional Outline: Debbie Guild

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1 year ago

If making a king sized pillowcase or queen, how much fabric would I cut?

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jody

Hi Jody – I don’t know which choices you will make with your fabrics (1,2 or 3 different cuts), but in general: It’s easy to re-size for your pillow form because only the length changes, the finished height of 20” remains consistent. Queen pillows are traditionally 20” x 30”; so do the math for your finished pieces to increase from 27″ to 31″ – remember, we added another 1″, as we mentioned above in the intro, to make for an easier wrap. King pillows are normally 20″ x 36”; so do the math for your finished pieces to increase from… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you so much for this great tutorial.very clear instructions. Can’t wait to make some.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Soni

Thanks, Soni – let us know how your new pillowcases turn out!

4 years ago

Like the tutorial.
No PDF or print option avaiulable

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Virginia

@Virginia – When you’re in this article – or any of our articles, look along the left side for a vertical bar that says “SHARE”. You can use those quick buttons to share on social, email, save to PDF or print. Sometimes it takes just a second for the bar to pop up while you scroll down the page, but once there, it stays there :-).

Carmen Miskiman
Carmen Miskiman
4 years ago

Fabulous pattern ! Why am I not able to print this pattern ?

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
4 years ago

@Carmen – So sorry; we had to take our PDF and Print software plugin offline for about 60 minutes for an update. You must have hit at exactly the right time. When you have a moment, we hope you can come back, refresh the window, and try again. We’ve tested in a number of browsers and both the Print and PDF options are again working fine. That’s the thing with websites and all the various pieces of software… something always needs an update. Just like all those apps on our phones, right?!

4 years ago

Seen these ready made; but lovely to have a pattern! Did not see the “PDF” instructions. Please add a link. thank you.

Liz Johnson
Liz Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  BeagleMom

@BeagleMom — Thank you! The process for closing the ends is really quite easy. The PDF option is still there on all our projects. When you’re in an article, look along the left side for a vertical bar that says “SHARE.” You can use those quick buttons to share on social, email, save to PDF or print. Sometimes it takes just a second for the bar to pop up while you scroll down the page, but once there, it stays there :-). Open your browser window wide to make sure you can see everything, including this Share bar.

4 years ago

Hi! Could this be done with

Hi! Could this be done with French seams?

5 years ago

  Love this pillowcase!

  Love this pillowcase! Sew4home is the very best!  My absolute favorite!  Thanks for so many great ideas!

Would it be possible to give dimensions for a king sized pillowcase?  I would really appreciate it very much!  Thanks for this and all the tutorials!!!!

5 years ago

Thank you for this neat

Thank you for this neat pillowcase idea. Thank you for this great tutorial

5 years ago

This is such a great idea! I

This is such a great idea! I like that it keeps the pillow and any covers that you may have on the pillow, tucked inside. With this type of pillowcase, I would be willing to leave my pillows out on top of the spread, quilt, or whatever covers the top of the bed. Thanks so much for this tutorial.

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