While the cornucopia dates back to Greek Mythology, its graceful shape and overflowing harvest is now most commonly associated with Thanksgiving. A cornucopia looks especially festive on the Thanksgiving table, but takes up more room than most Thanksgiving dinner platters will allow – especially with Aunt Grace’s enormous Tropicana Orange Jello mold. You can get a similar horn-of-plenty essence with a simple yet elegant napkin fold. Fill your napkin cornucopia with fresh flowers or greens; a small gift; candy, nuts, and fruits; or anything else that strikes your fancy and suits your guests. It’s a lovely way to finish your holiday table setting.
Folding Your Napkin
Most square napkins will fold nicely into the cornucopia shape. It’s a good idea to start with a stack of freshly pressed napkins. If you are using a napkin with a directional print, like the our Conversational Napkin shown above, it’s important to begin folding so your motif is not upside-down when you finish. Try a practice fold to confirm before you press the napkins.
Step 1: Fold napkin nearly in half diagonally as shown below. Don’t go quite all the way to the right edge so you don’t have an overlap showing when you are finished.
Step 2: Bring the lower right corner up to the point.
Step 3: Bring the lower left corner up to the point.
Step 4: Fold the right side across about a third.
Step 5: Fold the left side across as shown to form the cornucopia.
Finish Your Cornucopia Napkin
The fold forms a little pocket where you can insert your own harvest; whether it’s a fresh flowers or greens, candy, nuts or a small gift. Tie with a pretty cord or ribbon to finish.
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Lovely Idea
Lovely Idea
Great for an upcoming holiday
Great for an upcoming holiday table
When I went to the directions
When I went to the directions for the “Conversational Napkin”, it appears some steps are missing?
@Margo – Thanks for the heads
@Margo – Thanks for the heads-up – that napkin tutorial is an older one and it looks like the formatting may have been disturbed during an upgrade. We’ll get that fixed as soon as we can.
Thank you! I will keep an eye
Thank you! I will keep an eye out for it.
@Margo – All fixed – there
@Margo – All fixed – there was just one link out of place.
Excellent. I was wondering
Excellent. I was wondering what I could do with the dinner napkins that was more special than just folding them. This is a great idea, thanks Sew4Home – and – Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
@ Sally – Thanks so much!
@ Sally – Thanks so much! Here’s to a lovely table